
We offer free shipping to all our products, unless otherwise indicated.

Please see below if your country is eligible for free shipping. Free shipping means that you do not need to separately pay for shipping, and shipping is included in the prices of the product. In most cases this includes shipping with delivery to door at your indicated address.

Please note that our table products are of high-quality and sturdy and therefore weight considerably more than your most frequent web purchase. This is why delivery to your door should be preferred.

To provide easy and fast shopping we review and improve our SELKAstore and the logistics system constantly. Here you can find more information about how to get your purchase to your home or office.



You can find below different shipping options for each country and possible additional fees. Due to customs fees and various taxation systems, the shipping options may vary from country to country. 

Estimated total delivery times per country, please see here.


Free shipping

The price includes home delivery to below listed countries. For other countries, see shipping information below. 

Delivery charges may apply to OUTLET products, the costs are calculated separately during checkout.


Free shipping includes home delivery to following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland *, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden * and the Netherlands.

* See country specific information below



Free shipping available.

Delivery charges may apply to OUTLET products, the costs are calculated separately during checkout.

Estimated shipping time using GLS is 2-3 days.



All orders are shipped out from our Finland factory, typically in 1-2 days from the time of order. Customer shipping is provided using the FedEx service. The shipping costs is calculated separately during check out and tax is to be paid by customer as product is imported.



Free shipping available.

All orders are shipped out from our Finland factory. The shipping to customer is done using GLS or DACHSER service. Packages below 20 kg are delivered to nearest available pick up location.



All orders are shipped out from our Finland factory, typically in 1-2 days from the time of order. Customer shipping is provided using the FedEx service. The shipping costs is calculated separately during check out and tax is to be paid by customer as product is imported. 


Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and United States

Outside of EU the shipping costs is calculated separately during check out and tax is to be paid by customer as product is imported. All orders are shipped out from our Finland factory, typically in 1-2 days from the time of order. Customer shipping is provided using the FedEx service.


Other countries


Courier shipping available for most countries. Total cost of the product depends of the local import duties.


Delivery time

Total delivery time consists of delivery from factory or warehouse to the shipping company, added with the shipping company’s shipping time. Delivery times below are indicated in working days.


Delivery from factory, i.e. time from order to ship out your purchase

Our target is to ship out the order in 1-2 working days from the order. There may be delays due to availability of components or stock. We inform of possible delays as quickly as possible via email.

To provide faster delivery, we have also various items ready in storage for immediate shipping.


Total delivery time estimates

Total delivery time consists of delivery from factory or warehouse to the shipping company, added with the shipping company’s shipping time. Delivery times below are indicated in working days.

Belgium: Estimate BEL 4-7 days

Finland: Estimate FIN 4-5 days

Sweden: Estimate SWE 7-9 days

Other EU countries: Estimate 7-9 days


Other countries: contact